Navratri Celebrations

Please join us from 9th to 17th April to celebrate the auspicious occasion of Navratra in keeping with our long tradition at the Hindu Society.

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HS celebrates Holi on BBC1 Sunday Morning Live

We are so proud of our young HS TV stars who appeared on BBC1's Sunday Morning Live on 24th March. Our HS young stars woke up at the crack of dawn to be chauffeured to the filming studio for a very special performance. Our young HS members shared with the nation the...

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Shivratri Celebrations

Please join us on Friday 8th March and Saturday 9th March for our special Shivratri programmes at the Hindu Society.

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Basant Panchmi

Joins us on Sunday 18th Feb for a special children’s programme for Basant Panchmi.

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3rd Feb, Saturday Religious Programme

Please join our Saturday religious programme on 3rd Feb, which includes Hanaman Chalisa, Shiva Chalisa and a short Ramayan recital followed by aarti, prasad and community tea

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Hindu society as seen on the bbc

We are incredibly proud of our young Hindu Society TV stars who appeared on BBC1’s Sunday Morning Live to talk about Holi and give a special dance performance.